“If you’re not excited about it,

it’s not the right path.”

― Abraham Hicks

If you’re not excited about it, it’s not the right path.

We're Excited. 

Who We Are

Our team's dedication to empowerment and education merges Susan's profound knowledge and ongoing curiosity in digital technology, Dorothy's commitment to STEAM, and Robin's enthusiasm for broadening college access for Black teens. Anchored by our values of diversity, inclusion, and all-encompassing growth, we strive to elevate communities through the transformative power of education.

With diverse interests that include Susan's passion for remote work travel, Dorothy's passion for fitness, and Robin's insight into natural hair care, our collective approach promotes a life of balance and enrichment. We harness our unique strengths to positively influence individuals and communities around the globe, proving that our varied backgrounds are our collective asset in sparking significant change.

Susan Hearn

The Founder & CEO 
Meet Susan

Dorothy Davis

 The Learning Architect
Meet Dotty

Robin Henry

The Natural College Coach
Meet Robin